Simply browse through our collection and click on the items you wish to purchase. Choose the desired size and quantity, and add them to your cart. Once you're ready, proceed to checkout, enter your shipping and payment details, and confirm your order. You will receive a confirmation email with your order details shortly after.
Once your order is processed and shipped, you will receive a confirmation email with a tracking number. Simply click on the tracking number or visit our website's Order Tracking page, enter your tracking number, and you'll be able to monitor the progress of your package until it reaches your doorstep.
Orders are usually processed and shipped within 5-10 working days of purchase.
Shipping times vary as we do ship worldwide from different fulfilment centers based on your location. The average shipping time is about 5 to 12 working days. Your tracking number will be updated as soon as your order has been shipped.
If there’s something wrong with your order (defective product, incorrect order, damaged order, etc.), please contact us within 7 days from receiving your order and we’ll be happy to assist you in reviewing the case and if it is approved we will be sending a replacement.
We accept Credit Card, Debit Card, Wallets.